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Placing IntelliJ plugin in status bar

I'm just starting playing around with the plugin SDK for IntelliJ IDEA. However I already have some trouble with the first step.

I'd like to place an action in the lower status bar, next to the Git actions.

How can I place that action there?

Screenshot showing desired position


  • This type of UI is called EditorBasedWidget. If you like to explore how it works in git4idea plugin, I can suggest you to start with GitBranchWidget and DvcsStatusWidget classes.

    Here is the code for the simplest example:

    public class MyWidget extends EditorBasedWidget {
        public MyWidget(@NotNull Project project) {
        public String ID() {
            return "MyWidget";
        public WidgetPresentation getPresentation(@NotNull PlatformType type) {
            return new MyPresentation();

    public class MyPresentation implements StatusBarWidget.MultipleTextValuesPresentation {
        @Nullable("null means the widget is unable to show the popup")
        public ListPopup getPopupStep() {
            return null;
        public String getSelectedValue() {
            return "Selected value";
        public String getMaxValue() {
            return "Max value";
        public String getTooltipText() {
            return "Tooltip text";
        public Consumer<MouseEvent> getClickConsumer() {
            return null;

    Somewhere, for example in ProjectComponent

    ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
        StatusBar statusBar = WindowManager.getInstance().getStatusBar(myProject);
        if (statusBar != null) {
           statusBar.addWidget(new MyWidget(myProject));

    And here is the result:

    enter image description here