I am new to regex and would like to know how to pattern match two strings. The use case would be something like finding a certain phrase in some text. I'm using python 3.7 if that makes a difference.
phrase = "some phrase" #the phrase I'm searching for
Possible matches:
text = "some#@$#phrase"
^^^^ #non-alphanumeric can be treated like a single space
text = "some phrase"
text = "!!!some!!! phrase!!!"
These are not matches:
text = "some phrases"
^ #the 's' on the end makes it false
text = "ssome phrase"
text = "some other phrase"
I have tried using something like:
re.search(r'\b'+phrase+'\b', text)
I would very much appreciate an explanation of why the regex works if you provide a valid solution.
You should use something like this:
re.search(r'\bsome\W+phrase\b', text)
'\W' means non-word character
'+' means one or more times
In case you have a given phrase in a variable, you could try this before:
some_phrase = some_phrase.replace(r' ', r'\W+')