Why does the following code fail for the case of uint8_t
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stack>
template <typename TT>
void PrintNumberScientificNotation (TT number) {
constexpr TT kBase{10}; // Base of the numerical system.
TT xx{number}; // Number to convert.
TT exponent{}; // Exponent.
std::stack<TT> fractional_part{}; // Values in the fractional part.
do {
xx /= kBase;
} while (xx > kBase);
std::cout << xx << '.';
while (!fractional_part.empty()) {
std::cout << fractional_part.top();
std::cout << " x 10^" << exponent << std::endl;
int main () {
uint8_t number_1{255};
PrintNumberScientificNotation(number_1); // Does not work.
uint16_t number_2{255};
PrintNumberScientificNotation(number_2); // Works.
uint16_t number_3{65'535};
PrintNumberScientificNotation(number_3); // Works.
uint32_t number_4{4'294'967'295};
PrintNumberScientificNotation(number_4); // Works.
uint64_t number_5{18'446'744'073'709'551'615};
PrintNumberScientificNotation(number_5); // Works.
Execute: http://cpp.sh/8c72o
. x 10^
2.55 x 10^2
6.5535 x 10^4
4.294967295 x 10^9
1.8446744073709551615 x 10^19
It is my understanding that uint8_t
is able to represent unsigned integer numbers up to and including 255 (UINT8_MAX
). Why can I represent the maximum values for all of the other representations?
The mathematical part of your code is fine, the printing is broken.
If you use cout
for uint_t
, it will interpret the uint_t
as a character code. That's because uint_t
is a type alias for unsigned char.
A possible fix is to explicitly convert to integer:
std::cout << unsigned(xx) << '.';
while (!fractional_part.empty()) {
std::cout << unsigned(fractional_part.top());
std::cout << " x 10^" << unsigned(exponent) << std::endl;