I'm trying to use the library readODS to import a file ('sample data.ods') with 30 tabs. Each tab has the exact same layout and I need to extract the exact same columns from each tab then combine them into 1 DF but I'm finding it difficult to do so. For example, I need to extract rows 5 to 20, with columns 3,5,7,9,11. An example of what I imagine it to look like is below (obviously, this is incorrect!)
my_df <- read_ods('pedestrianfootfall2013.ods',
sheet = 1:30, c[3,5,7,9,11],
And then I'm not sure whether I would use rbind or merge... Thanks
Found a work around...save the file as an Excel file and use the following:
df1 <- loadWorkbook('filename.xlsx')
df1_sheets <- getSheets(df1)
for (ws in df1_sheets) {
df2 <- readWorksheet(df1, sheet = 1:52, header=TRUE, startRow = 230, endRow = 254)
df2_all <- ldply(df2, rbind)
df2_Reduced <- df2_all[c(1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14)]