I have built a match pattern in RegexBuddy which behaves exactly as I expect. But I cannot transfer this to Delphi XE, at least when using the latest built in TRegEx or TPerlRegEx.
My real world code have 6 capture group but I can illustrate the problem in an easier example. This code gives "3" in first dialog and then raises an exception (-7 index out of bounds) when executing the second dialog.
Regex: TRegEx;
M: TMatch;
Regex := TRegEx.Create('(?P<time>\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})(?P<judge>.{1,3})');
M := Regex.Match('00:00 X1 90 55KENNY BENNY');
But if I use only one capture group
Regex := TRegEx.Create('(?P<time>\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})');
The first dialog shows "2" and the second dialog will show the time "00:00" as expected.
However this would be a bit limiting if only one named capture group was allowed, but thats not the case... If I change the capture group name to for example "atime".
Regex: TRegEx;
M: TMatch;
Regex := TRegEx.Create('(?P<atime>\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})(?P<judge>.{1,3})');
M := Regex.Match('00:00 X1 90 55KENNY BENNY');
I'll get "3" and "00:00", just as expected. Is there reserved words I cannot use? I don't think so because in my real example I've tried completely random names. I just cannot figure out what causes this behaviour.
When pcre_get_stringnumber does not find the name, PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING
is returned.
is defined in RegularExpressionsAPI as PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING = -7
Some testing shows that pcre_get_stringnumber
for every name that has the first letter in the range of k
to z
and that range is dependent of the first letter in judge
. Changing judge
to something else changes the range.
As i see it there is at lest two bugs involved here. One in pcre_get_stringnumber
and one in TGroupCollection.GetItem that needs to raise a proper exception instead of SRegExIndexOutOfBounds