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Why mechanize failed to login website ruby

I'm trying to make an account to website "" using mechanize but I've always got unknown error that

ERROR: Email is too long

after submiting.

The error never happend in the browser

I've tried to submit without any input and same thing happend

require "mechanize"

$url = ""

$m =
$page1 = $m.get($url)
$form1 = $page1.form_with(:id => "pro_form1")
$form1.field_with(:name => "name").value = "name"
$form1.field_with(:name => "email").value = "[email protected]"
$form1.field_with(:name => "country").options[217].click #United States
$form1.field_with(:name => "username").value = "Username"

$form1.checkbox_with(:name => "terms").check

$page2 = $m.submit($form1)

$file1 = open("vpnstaticip.html","w")


  • Looks like this form submitted by js, but the mechanize is not working with js actually


    perhaps the changed of driver will help (selenium or poltergeist) with the creation of Capybara browser session.

    or, as an option, just try to ignore SSL errors:

    $m.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

    or i think, match better to use here the net-post request without mechanize, for me it's work fine:

    url = URI("")
    http =, url.port)
    http.use_ssl = true
    http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
    request =
    request["content-type"] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    request.body = "name=name&"
    response = http.request(request)
    puts response.read_body
    => ERROR: Username already exists. Try different one

    besides, i can't reproduce the "Email is too long" error, so please, let me know if the problem is still persist, thanks