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How to import javascript in polymer 3 PWA starter kit app for server build

I am using a connection in my web component and need to import the java library ( github).

Usage in web-component: var socket =  io.connect(socket_url);

All ways to import the fail with using different import variants like the one below directly in my web component:

import io from ''

I searched and found (solution) that provides no ES modules which polymer requires for import. The proposed solution taken from this answer suggests to include the javascript directly in the main index.html. So I am now importing the script in my index.html with

<script src="node_modules/" crossorigin></script>

This solution works in development and testing with:

npm start

The build works and the application and socket implementation is working as expected at in the browser.

But when I start the build process for production and serve with:

npm run build:prpl-server
npm run serve:prpl-server
prpl-server listening

The build is successful but the application fails to run in browser with the following error in the console:

Loading failed for the with source “”.

So the file is not put/copied into the build folders during the build process. There is even no node_assets folder in the build directory. However the code and testing works - so the import and script seems to work correctly. I am doing something wrong for the final build but dont understand what.

So the question is how to correctly import the javascript in the index.html or web component to correctly output it into the final build?


  • I think you need to add "node_modules/**" to the extraDependencies part of the polymer.json in order for the build process to take the files in account

    It would look something like this

      "extraDependencies": [