I need to determine if the edition of AzureAD in use is Premium or not.
How do I determine that in C#?
You can make use of Microsoft Graph APIs, either through Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library or through direct HTTP calls. The relevant API is:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/subscribedSkus
With Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library and your code could look something like
Also, note that for information about edition of Azure AD you could have a mix of services enabled in the same Azure AD and licenses are purchased/assigned on a per user basis.
SubscribedSkus API mentioned above is pretty detailed and it gives you information about enabled capabilities as well as number of licenses available, consumed etc.
Here's a similar thread on MSDN forums, you should also look at, it only talks about portal but still concept is relevant: How to check Azure AD edition.
Here is an example that will print all active subscribed SKUs that include an Azure AD Premium service plan:
// There are various Azure AD versions and editions. Here we're only counting
// Azure AD Premium Plan 1 and Azure AD Premium Plan 2.
var azureAdPlans = new[] { "AAD_PREMIUM", "AAD_PREMIUM_P2" };
// Get all subscribed SKUs
var subscribedSkus = graphClient
// Filter down the results to only active subscribed SKUs with Azure AD service plans.
var skusWithAzureAd = subscribedSkus
.Where(sku => (sku.CapabilityStatus == "Enabled" || sku.CapabilityStatus == "Warning")
&& (sku.ServicePlans.Any(p => azureAdPlans.Contains(p.ServicePlanName))));
// Print out the results
foreach (var sku in skusWithAzureAd)
"{0} ({1}/{2} seats used)",
sku.PrepaidUnits.Enabled + sku.PrepaidUnits.Warning);