I've created the following rake task below to generate our release notes for each sprint.
I'm pulling in all commits to master
older than 2 weeks.
The problem is when a branch has been developed on for more than 2-week sprints, the older commits won't be included.
Can anyone suggest a way I can get these commits in?
task :new_release_note do
puts "Creating new release note"
puts "..."
git_log = `git log --since="two weeks ago" --no-merges --format=%B`
git_log.gsub!(/^$\n/, '')
git_log.gsub!(/^/, "* ")
current_time = DateTime.now
current_date = current_time.strftime "%Y-%m-%d"
current_date_UK = current_time.strftime "%d-%m-%Y"
template = "__Release Notes__
__New Features__
* -
* -
* -
__Change Log__
Detailed release notes below, listing all commit messages for this release.
out_file = File.new("./doc/release_notes/release-notes-#{current_date}.md", "w")
if File.exist?(out_file)
puts "New release note generated successfully at /doc/release-notes/release-notes-#{current_date}.md"
puts "Error - file not generated."
Can anyone suggest a way I can get these commits in?
Few options:
git tag
git notes
git whatchanged
git tag
Read this answer on what is git tag and how to use it: What is git tag, How to create tags & How to checkout git remote tag(s)
In short: git tag allows you to mark commit which can be later on to perform your merge. As you know
git pull = git fetch + git merge
So once you have marked your last merge with the tag you can pull out all the changes form the last merge
# "Merge" the last X commits based upon your previous tag
git cherry-pick <tag_name>..master
git notes
git notes
allow us to add content to commit without updating the SHA-1 of the commit, meaning we can attach content to the commit while leaving the SHA-1 unmodified.
Now once you have your notes you can find out the last commit which you "merged" previously and grab the changes from this point on using the above cherry-pick
You can search and find your notes with git log --grep
git whatchanged
Once you what is your referenced commit you can see the list of files which were updated during this time period with the git whatchanged
# Print out a list of files which was updated/added between the 2 commits
git whatchanged <TAG_NAME>...HEAD