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Scripting GPU LED color change

I'm in an attempt to make a conditional based GPU LED color changing script, however this has been more of a challenge then I thought it would be, I was really sure it would be pretty straight forward, however I can't seen to find anything on this GPU feature, so, has anyone heard of an API for such purposes or am I gonna need to deal directly with the hardware(what I've never done before)? I know this question is a little too unspecific, I apologize for that, however, I really need at least a direction on where to start, as I've never ever ventured this deep into my electric charges conductors(a.k.a. hardware).

Obs: The GPU in question is a Gigabyte GTX 1060 D5 Rev. 2(I also failed in finding any documentation on it… Besides the "Users guide" at least, what is "not really helpful" at best)


  • They released support recently in the SDK published here. In it they include sample C++ code for calling into GvLedLib.dll in\Sample\Peripherals\LedDemo.

    I built a .NET wrapper that uses PInvoke to interact with the library to produce a CLI tool. That project can be found on GitHub as RGB Fusion Tool.