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Getting the Luis "topIntent" from a child dialog inside another file (Node.js)

I have Luis working in my main bot.js file for top level intents. But i'd like to access Luis from other dialogs that are in their own files, called by bot.js:


const { InitialDialog } = require('./dialogs/initial');    
const INITIAL_DIALOG = 'initialDialog';
const START_INTENT = 'Start';

then in the bot's class:

    new InitialDialog(

and finally, if the "Start intent" is detected we start the dialog:

await dc.beginDialog(InitialDialog);

In dialogs/initial/index.js:

class Initial extends ComponentDialog {
    constructor(dialogId, userProfileAccessor, botConfig) {

Here's where it gets problematic: when I try and call Luis:

// Perform a call to LUIS to retrieve results for the user's message.

const results: RecognizerResult = await this.luisRecognizer.recognize(turnContext);

// Since the LuisRecognizer was configured to include the raw results, get the `topScoringIntent` as specified by LUIS.
const topIntent = results.luisResult.topScoringIntent;

I'm getting an error:

[onTurnError]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'recognize' of undefined

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?


  • The luisRecognizer needs to be created:

        const luisApplication = {
            applicationId: luisConfig.appId,
            endpointKey: luisConfig.subscriptionKey || luisConfig.authoringKey,
            endpoint: luisConfig.getEndpoint()
        // Create configuration for LuisRecognizer's runtime behavior.
        const luisPredictionOptions = {
            includeAllIntents: true,
            log: true,
            staging: false
    this.luisRecognizer = new LuisRecognizer(luisApplication, luisPredictionOptions , true);

    A sample using LUIS can be found here: