I'm practicing on Gradient descent algorithm implementation for two variables in Sympy library in Python 2.7.
My goal is to find minimum of two variable function using vector of derivatives according to following steps:
The code and steps description is attached. I suppose the problem lies in while loop, since it gives the worng values and algorithm takes the first i iteration only. enter image description here
Could you please advise on improvements?
import sympy as sp
from sympy import *
from sympy import lambdify
def test_f(a, b):
# define a test function of a,b
test_f=4*a**2 + 25*b**2
return test_f
def deriv_matrix(f, a, b):
# define the matrix of derivatives
d1=diff(f(a,b), a, 1)
d2=diff(f(a,b), b, 1)
return M
i=1 # strat the iteration from 1
vector1=Matrix([1,1]) # starting point
while (i<100) & (f(vector1[0], vector1[1]).all()> epsilon):
f = lambdify((a,b), deriv_matrix(test_f, a, b))
print vector1
The code has too many problems to list. As a small sample: f
is undefined, but apparently its return value has method .all()
(which in NumPy returns a bool), which is then compared to epsilon? Makes no sense. Generally, when using SymPy, one does not need to encode symbolic functions as Python functions. They are represented as SymPy expressions, which can be lambdified when speed is desirable, or evaluated directly with subs
when speed is not an issue. For example:
from sympy import *
a, b = symbols('a b')
f = 4*a**2 + 25*b**2 # this is a SymPy expression, not a function
grad_f = lambdify((a, b), derive_by_array(f, (a, b))) # lambda from an expression for graduent
epsilon = 0.02
alpha = 0.01 # the value of 0.1 is too large for convergence here
vector = Matrix([1, 1])
for i in range(100): # to avoid infinite loop
grad_value = Matrix(grad_f(vector[0], vector[1]))
vector += -alpha*grad_value
if grad_value.norm() < epsilon: # gradient is small, we are done
if grad_value.norm() < epsilon:
print('Converged to {}'.format(vector)) # only print vector if successful
print('Failed to converge')