Hi I want to map the sd keys and values from the result of two different query. to make it more clear i have written code.
rv = plpy.execute(select id from ABC);
if this returns 1, 2, 3
rv = plpy.execute(select name from XYZ);
if this returns A,B,C
Now I need a way where I can map these two ids, so that id retrieved from first query can be used as key and name retrieved from second query can be used as values, so i will have something like
SD[1] = A
SD[2] = B
SD[3] = C
THis is needed as I am trying to create dynamic SD for my application. Can somebody suggest me some solution.
I'm unfamiliar with plpy, so maybe I'm totally off. But if what you want to do is to create a python dictionary with key:value-pairs based on results from two queries this is my suggestion:
If these are your queries:
a = [a, b, c]
b = [1, 2, 3]
dict(zip(a, b))
Gives you a dictionary like this:
{'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3'}