I am trying to create an argparse optional argument that may -OR- may not have an associated input value. I want the following behavior:
1. argument not specified, value=None
2. argument specified with a value, value=user_input
3. argument specified without a value, value=derived from a positional value
The first 2 are easy. It's the third one I can't figure out. I found 2 posts that do something similar:
python argparse optional positional argument with detectable switch
This one sets the default value to a constant for an optional argument without a value.
Argparse optional positional arguments?
This topic is close, but not quite what I need either (he derives the default value from a system call):
I want mine to be a determined from an positional value.
Simple example code I created:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pnf', nargs='?')
When I set the input and print:
args = parser.parse_args('my.h5 -c my_file.csv --pnf'.split())
print ('Input = %s' % args.input)
print ('CSV file = %s' % args.csv)
print ('PNF file = %s' % args.pnf)
I get:
Input = my.h5
CSV file = my_file.csv
PNF file = None
If I modify my input to:
args = parser.parse_args('my.h5 -c'.split())
The resulting output is:
Input = my.h5
CSV file = None
PNF file = None
When Value = None
, I can't tell if the optional argument was not defined, or was defined but without a value. In the second case, I want to derive the CSV File name from the positional argument (in this example the derived name would be my.csv
). I want to do the same when --pnf is defined (where default PNF would be my.pnf
for above). Is there a way to do this?
I can't tell if the optional argument was not defined, or was defined but without a value
If you create your parser like this:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
Now it is possible to distinguish between the three cases.
-c val
was passed, it will be present in args
with value "val"
was passed without value, it will be present in args
with value None
was omitted entirely, it won't be present in args
.The same goes for -p
If you only want this suppression to apply for one option, rather than on the whole parser, that is possible too:
parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)