I was trying to submit this code using spark submit. I found the following errors. I also would like to know how to do a function call in Scala and how do we start the function definition. I am calling file_reading
function and I got the below error.
Here is my my function definition
def file_reading(file: String,val start:Int,val end:Int): Unit = {
Here are the Error I got:
/home/ram/sbt_project/src/main/scala/Scala_sample.scala:19:33: identifier expected but 'val' found.
[error] def file_reading(file: String,val start:Int,val end:Int): Unit = {
[error] ^
[error] /home/ram/sbt_project/src/main/scala/Scala_sample.scala:28:1: ':' expected but '}' found.
[error] }
[error] ^
[error] two errors found
Please remove val in the method.
def file_reading(file: String,start:Int,end:Int): Unit = {
Please correct for loop, next you will be getting error here.
paths ??
for(each <- file)