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Load data in cache with java

I´m a little lost with a problem. I need to save in cache a list of data which I query from the Database. The list is very big and when it loads in a combobox isn´t optim. Any ideas about this?

My code is:

  • Controller:

  • Service:

    public List<Lugar> findLugaresByIdMunicipio(Long idMunicipio) {
        return this.lugarRepository.findLugaresByIdMunicipio(idMunicipio);
  • Repository:

    @Query("from Lugar l where = :idMunicipio order by l.nombre asc")
    List<Lugar> findLugaresByIdMunicipio(@Param("idMunicipio") Long idMunicipio);
  • HTML:

        id="lugar" th:field="*{idLugar}" class="form-control">
        <option th:each="type : ${lugar}" th:value="${}"


  • You can use something like EhCache to set the query as @Cacheable, this will indicate that the result of invoking a method (or all methods in a class) can be cached.

    Each time an advised method is invoked, the caching behavior will be applied, checking whether the method was already invoked for the given arguments:

    Here's an example