I am trying to concatenate a Django variable to an img src
. I have found a solution to do it but still when I inspect the browser, the value doesn't show up. By the way the value that I am calling is dict
type which looks like this >>> djangoDict
output: {<foreignModel: ModelValue>: <Product: Item Desc...}
I was able to show the ModelValue
using the 2 curly braces {{ djangoDict }}
but I can't do it when concatenating with an address.
So here my code:
{% for dd in djangoDict %}
{% with 'products/anotherFolder/'|add:dd|add:'/suffix.jpg' as myImg %}
<a class="dropdown-item" data-img="{% static myImg %}">{{ dd }}</a>
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %
This is what I get when inspecting element:
<a class="dropdown-item" data-img="/assets/suffix.jpg">ModelValue</a>
What I want to show up:
<a class="dropdown-item" data-img="/assets/products/anotherFolder/ModelValue/suffix.jpg">ModelValue</a>
Thank you so much for anyone that would help :)
I saw a similar problem to mine which solves my issues on concatenating image path. It is the best answer to my question.
which is configured on settings.py
My code now looks like this:
{% for dd in djangoDict %}
<a class="dropdown-item" data-img="{{ STATIC_URL }}products/anotherFolder/{{ dd }}/suffix.jpg">{{ dd }}</a>
{% endfor %}