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grouped bar plot in shiny with select input

I have multiple select inputs that control the output of a single bar graph currently.

When you use the first selectinput, it will select the data source. There is a secondary selectinput which selects the variable from the first data source. The code below works when you have a non grouped bar plot.

I am trying to create a double bar plot and I have another data source separate from the one I am using for the current plot. The two main data sources that have the exact same variables. However, 1 table has data for 'points given' and another table has data for 'points used'.

I am trying to create a double bar that has rebates given as one bar and another bar for rebates used. My issue is that I cannot use one selectinput to call outputs and I am trying to find an alternative to this. I have posted the code below.

 table1 <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(500:1000,52,rep=TRUE)))
table1$Week <- replicate(1, sample(1:52,52, rep=FALSE))

table2 <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(500:1000,52,rep=TRUE)))
table2$Week <- replicate(1, sample(1:52,52, rep=FALSE))

table3 <- data.frame(replicate(4,sample(500:1000,52,rep=TRUE)))
table3$Week <- replicate(1, sample(1:52,52, rep=FALSE))

ui <- fluidPage(

    selectInput("Data1", width = '150px',  selected = "select", label = NULL, choices = c("table1","table2", "table3"))
    ,selectInput("column1", "select variable", width = '150px', choices = c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4"), selected = "X1")


server <- function(input,output, session){

  Data_to_display_Tab1 <<- reactive({
           "table1" = Table1,
           "table2" = Table2,
           "table3" = Table3)

    updateSelectInput(session, "column1", choices = names(Data_to_display_Tab1()[,-c(5)]), selected = "Table1") 

  output$maingraph1 <- renderPlotly({

    plot_ly(Data_to_display_Tab1()) %>%

      add_trace(x = ~Week, y = ~Data_to_display_Tab1()[,input$column1], type = 'bar', mode = 'lines', name = 'test') %>%
      layout(barmode = 'group', xaxis = list(title = "x axis goes here"), yaxis = list(title = "y axis goes here"))  


shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)


  • Below is the code which I have modified your code a bit. I have added an extra selectInput to select a table for points used.

    # Sample dataframes for points given
    Week <- seq(1:52)
    table1 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    table2 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    table3 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    # Sample dataframes for points used
    table4 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    table5 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    table6 <- data.frame(replicate(4, sample(500:1000, 52, rep = TRUE)), Week)
    ui <- fluidPage( sidebarLayout( fluidRow(sidebarPanel(
      uiOutput("column1") )),
    server <- function(input,output, session){
      # selectInput function to select one table from the list of Points Given tables
      output$Data1 <- renderUI({
        selectInput("dataTables", label = "Select a Table(Points Given)", choices = c("table1", "table2", "table3"))
      # reactive environment to map the selected table name with actual dataframe(i.e, points given)
      Data_to_display_Tab1 <- reactive({
        if (input$dataTables == "table1") {
          df1 <- table1
        } else if (input$dataTables == "table2") {
          df1 <- table2
        } else df1 <- table3
      # Another selectInput function to select a table from the list of Points Used
      output$Data2 <- renderUI({
        selectInput(inputId = "dataTables2", label = "Select a Table(Points Used)", choices = c("table4", "table5", "table6"))
      # reactive environment to map the selected table name with actual dataframe(i.e, points used)
      Data_to_display_Tab2 <- reactive({
        if (input$dataTables2 == "table4") {
          df2 <- table4
        } else if (input$dataTables2 == "table5") {
          df2 <- table5
        } else df2 <- table6
      # selectInput function to display variable names of selected table from previous selectInput
      output$column1 <- renderUI({
        selectInput(inputId = "columnNames", label = "Select a Variable", choices = names(Data_to_display_Tab1()[,-c(5)]), selected = "X1")
      # Plotly code
      output$maingraph1 <- renderPlotly({
        plot_ly(Data_to_display_Tab1(), x = ~Week, y = Data_to_display_Tab1()[[input$columnNames]], type = 'bar', name = 'points given') %>%
          add_trace( x = Data_to_display_Tab2()["Week"], y = Data_to_display_Tab2()[[input$columnNames]], name = 'points used') %>%
          layout(xaxis = list(title = "Week"), yaxis = list(title = input$columnNames), barmode = 'group')
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)