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Caching/reusing a DB connection for later view usage

I am saving a user's database connection. On the first time they enter in their credentials, I do something like the following:

self.conn = MySQLdb.connect (
    host = 'aaa',
    user = 'bbb',
    passwd = 'ccc',
    db = 'ddd',
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET NAMES utf8")
cursor.execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;')
cursor.execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8;')

I then have the conn ready to go for all the user's queries. However, I don't want to re-connect every time the view is loaded. How would I store this "open connection" so I can just do something like the following in the view:

def do_queries(request, sql):
    user = request.user
    conn = request.session['conn']
    cursor = request.session['cursor']

Update: it seems like the above is not possible and not good practice, so let me re-phrase what I'm trying to do:

I have a sql editor that a user can use after they enter in their credentials (think of something like Navicat or SequelPro). Note this is NOT the default django db connection -- I do not know the credentials beforehand. Now, once the user has 'connected', I would like them to be able to do as many queries as they like without me having to reconnect every time they do this. For example -- to re-iterate again -- something like Navicat or SequelPro. How would this be done using python, django, or mysql? Perhaps I don't really understand what is necessary here (caching the connection? connection pooling? etc.), so any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You could use an IoC container to store a singleton provider for you. Essentially, instead of constructing a new connection every time, it will only construct it once (the first time ConnectionContainer.connection_provider() is called) and thereafter it will always return the previously constructed connection.

    You'll need the dependency-injector package for my example to work:

    import dependency_injector.containers as containers
    import dependency_injector.providers as providers
    class ConnectionProvider():
        def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, db, charset):
            self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(
    class ConnectionContainer(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
        connection_provider = providers.Singleton(ConnectionProvider,
    def do_queries(request, sql):
        user = request.user
        conn = ConnectionContainer.connection_provider().conn
        cursor = conn.cursor()

    I've hardcoded the connection string here, but it is also possible to make it variable depending on a changeable configuration. In that case you could also create a container for the configuration file and have the connection container read its config from there. You then set the config at runtime. As follows:

    import dependency_injector.containers as containers
    import dependency_injector.providers as providers
    class ConnectionProvider():
        def __init__(self, connection_config):
            self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(**connection_config)
    class ConfigContainer(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
        connection_config = providers.Configuration("connection_config")
    class ConnectionContainer(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
        connection_provider = providers.Singleton(ConnectionProvider, ConfigContainer.connection_config)
    def do_queries(request, sql):
        user = request.user
        conn = ConnectionContainer.connection_provider().conn
        cursor = conn.cursor()
    # run code
    my_config = {
    request = ...
    sql = ...
    do_queries(request, sql)