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How to support HTTPS in Beego

I want my beego website to support https.

There are another post Beego and Https. I try that method enable chrome setting chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost or open url with Microsoft Edge. It's still show This site can’t be reached.


  • go version go1.10 windows/amd64
  • Beego : 1.10.1

My step is:

  1. Install googleapis.cer to my windows 10 computer.
  2. Copy googleapis.cer and googleapis.keyfile to D:\Go_workspace\src\myproject
  3. Edit D:\Go_workspace\src\myproject\conf\app.conf

    appname = myproject
    runmode = prod
    httpaddr = ""
    HTTPPort = 9100
    httpaddr = ""
    HTTPSPort = 9099
    httpsaddr = ""
    EnableHTTPS = true
    EnableHttpTLS = true
    HTTPSCertFile = "googleapis.cer"
    HTTPSKeyFile = "googleapis.key"  
    HTTPSPort = 9099
  4. Run my project with the bee tool command ....\bin\bee run

I get the following message and show message This site can’t be reached when I go to URL :

2018/11/09 10:07:56.251 [I] [asm_amd64.s:2361]  http server Running on
2018/11/09 10:07:56.253 [I] [asm_amd64.s:2361]  https server Running on
2018/11/09 10:07:56.293 [C] [asm_amd64.s:2361]  ListenAndServeTLS:  listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you


  • There is a a possible race condition in beego that makes it intermittent to run both HTTP and HTTPS together. You can see this in app.go

    if BConfig.Listen.EnableHTTPS || BConfig.Listen.EnableMutualHTTPS {
        go func() {
            app.Server.Addr = // the Addr is set to the value of HTTPS addr
            // ListenAndServeTLS()
    if BConfig.Listen.EnableHTTP {
        go func() {
            app.Server.Addr = addr // the Addr is set to the valu of HTTP addr
            // ListenAndServe()

    As you can see the Server.Addr is set on different goroutines which is a data race.

    So I would suggest that you run your app exclusively on HTTPS unless you want to patch beego itself.

    e.g. in your app.conf:

    EnableHTTP = false
    EnableHTTPS = true