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How to install ROS (Robotics Operating System) on Raspberry pi 3

How i will able to install ROS (Robotics Operating System). I want to install ROS on my raspberry pi 3.


  • ROS (Robotics Operating System) install on raspberry pi

    Hardware requirement

    1. Raspberry pi 2/3
    2. SD card 16 GB to 32 GB
    3. Card reader
    4. HDMI monitor (optional)
    5. Keyboard (optional)
    6. Mouse (optional)


    Download ROS Image (Ubuntu mate)

    1. There are many of Image list item you need to choice one


    3. It take some minutes about 1 GB file. When download completed Unzip ROS image into a folder

      Download Win32DiskImager

    5. when download complete then install Win32DiskImager
    6. Open Win32DiskImager

    Image write into SD Card

    1. Inser SDCard into your pc
    2. Open Win32DiskImager
    3. Set image path using red circle button
    4. Select SDcard using green circle
    5. Everything is ok then click write
    6. It will takes some minutes

    Start ROS operating system

    • Insert SDcard into Raspberry pi
    • Power up
    • Psername: ubuntu
    • Password: ubuntu

    Test ROS

    • Press Ctrl+Alt+T for open terminal
    • Open terminal

      $ rostopic list



    Thanks install Completed