I maintain an application for my organization that uses Web Forms. I have to add cascading dropdowns and I need to have those dropdowns remember their values when I navigate away from the page. My first dropdown remembers its value but its cascading dropdown does not retain its value when I navigate back. Any suggestions?
Below are my dropdowns:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePanel1" runat="server">
<ContentTemplate><div class="dropDownSelection">
<asp:DropDownList CssClass="topicDropDown" ID="topic1" DataTextField="NAME" DataValueField="ID" OnSelectedIndexChanged="Load_Section1" AutoPostBack="True" AppendDataBoundItems="true" runat="server"/>
<asp:DropDownList CssClass="sectionDropDown" ID="section1" DataTextField="NAME" DataValueFile="ID" AutoPostBack="True" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="--- Select Section ---" Value="0"></asp:ListItem>
Below are the methods that load the dropdown values:
protected void Load_Topic1()
var topicStore = new TopicStore();
var topics = topicStore.ReadTopics();
foreach (var topic in topics)
var topicListItem = new ListItem(topic.Name, topic.Id.ToString());
//topic1.Attributes.Add("Title", topic.Description);//only shows description for item at the bottom of the dropdown
topic1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--- Select Topic ---", "0"));
protected void Load_Section1(object sender, EventArgs e)
var sectionStore = new SectionStore();
var sections = sectionStore.ReadForTopic(Guid.Parse(topic1.SelectedValue));
foreach (var section in sections)
var sectionListItem = new ListItem(section.Name, section.Id.ToString());
section1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--- Select Section ---", "0"));
Load_Topic1 is called on page load. The values of the dropdowns are stored in session when you navigate away from the page.
Below is how I load the values into session:
if (Session["Page"] != null)
if (Session["SubmittedPayment"] != null)
//shazbot -- they've already hit submit
topic1.SelectedValue = Session["topic1"] as string;
section1.SelectedValue = Session["section1"] as string;
rating1DropDown.SelectedValue = Session["rating1DropDown"] as string;
if (Session["Page"].ToString() == "HighSchoolInformation2.aspx")
Session.Add("Page", "InterestSurvey.aspx");
else if (Session["Page"].ToString() == "Payment.aspx" || Session["Page"].ToString() == "InterestSurvey.aspx")
Session.Add("Page", "InterestSurvey.aspx");
topic1.SelectedValue = Session["topic1"] as string;
section1.SelectedValue = Session["section1"] as string;
rating1DropDown.SelectedValue = Session["rating1DropDown"] as string;
//they're not logged in, send them back to log in
In the code behind I load session variables like this:
protected void next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session.Add("topic1", topic1.SelectedValue);
Session.Add("section1", section1.SelectedValue);
Session.Add("rating1DropDown", rating1DropDown.SelectedValue);
if (Page.IsValid)
ModLangRequired.Visible = false;
if (!checkModLang())
Like I said up top I inherited this code and I don't have the time for a complete rewrite at the moment.
Start by changing Load_Section1
as follows. Notice how we are using Guid.TryParse
to conditionally load sections if a topic is selected.
protected void Load_Section1()
section1.Items.Add(new ListItem("--- Select Section ---", "0"));
Guid topicId;
if (Guid.TryParse(topic1.SelectedValue, out topicId))
var sectionStore = new SectionStore();
var sections = sectionStore.ReadForTopic(topicId);
foreach (var section in sections)
var sectionListItem = new ListItem(section.Name, section.Id.ToString());
Then add a new event handler as follows:
protected void TopicDropDown_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Now associate the OnSelectedIndexChanged
event to the new handler:
<asp:DropDownList ID="topic1" ... OnSelectedIndexChanged="TopicDropDown_OnSelectedIndexChanged" ... />
Now you can restore the the page state as follows:
if (Session["Page"] != null)
if (Session["SubmittedPayment"] != null)
//shazbot -- they've already hit submit
topic1.SelectedValue = IsPostBack ? Request.Form[topic1.UniqueID] : (string)Session["topic1"];
section1.SelectedValue = IsPostBack ? Request.Form[section1.UniqueID] : (string)Session["section1"];
Load_Rating1DropDown(); // not sure if you need this???
rating1DropDown.SelectedValue = IsPostBack ? Request.Form[rating1DropDown.UniqueID] : (string)Session["rating1DropDown"];
if (Session["Page"].ToString() == "HighSchoolInformation2.aspx")
Session.Add("Page", "InterestSurvey.aspx");
else if (Session["Page"].ToString() == "Payment.aspx" || Session["Page"].ToString() == "InterestSurvey.aspx")
Session.Add("Page", "InterestSurvey.aspx");
// you don't actually need to set values before you redirect
//they're not logged in, send them back to log in
My assumption is the above code is called from Page_Load
. Avoid making any extra calls to Load_Topic1
as well.