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In jQuery, how to revert a draggable on ajax call failure?

I want the draggable to be reverted to its original position if the ajax call on drop returns a failure. Here is the code what I am imagining it to be.. It is OK if the draggable rests in the droppable while the ajax call is in process...

<script type="text/javascript">
        drop: function(){
            // make ajax call here. check if it returns success.
            // make draggable to return to its old position on failure.
<div id="dragMe">DragMe</div>
<div id="dropHere">DropHere</div>


  • Thanks for your replay @Fran Verona.

    I solved it this way:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            start: function(){
            drop: function(){
                //make ajax call or whatever validation here. check if it returns success.
                //returns result = true/false for success/failure;
                if(!result){ //failed
                //handling for success..
    <div id="dragMe">DragMe</div>
    <div id="dropHere">DropHere</div>

    Wanted to avoid any new global variables, also the number of variables was unpredictable as many drag-drops can happen while the first is in progress, i.e. before the 1st call returns..! BTW, for anyone looking for the same answer, .data() does not work on all elements, I am not sure about, though.. Let me know if anyone finds anything wrong in this! :)