I have a button with Center X Alignment Constraint
and this constraint's identifier
is "constBtnSound"
I'm trying to get this constraint
with the following code but cannot find it.
for const in btnSound.constraints {
if const.identifier == "constBtnSound" {
Properties of the constraint:
All constraints of the button:
Here's what the UIView.addConstraint
documentation says:
The constraint must involve only views that are within scope of the receiving view. Specifically, any views involved must be either the receiving view itself, or a subview of the receiving view.
Since button.superview
is not button
and is not a subview of button
, the constraint cannot be held by button
Since button
is a subview of button.superview
, the constraint can be held by button.superview
(or any ancestor of button.superview
However, instead of searching for the constraint by id, you could create an outlet for it:
@IBOutlet var buttonXCenterConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
Connect the outlet to the constraint in your storyboard.