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Imagemagick - change policy.xml on Heroku

I'm trying to access images via https on Heroku with Imagemagick. How can I change the policies (in policy.xml) on Heroku?

Heroku made an "ImageMagick security update" in May, 2016:

I can see the policy list, after typing heroku run bash and convert -list policy:

Path: [built-in] Policy: Undefined rights: None

Path: /etc/ImageMagick/policy.xml [...] Policy: Coder rights: None pattern: HTTPS [...]

How can I change the policy?

update 1: this is the error in the log file:

Command failed: convert.im6: not authorized `//'


  • I’ve found a relatively simple solution.

    Create a .magick directory in your app’s source, and add your policy.xml there. Then, you’ll have to set the environment variable MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH to /app/.magick in order to load your file with higher precedence than the default one.