I have to write tests for web application and also I have to use them on mobile chrome browser.It is any possibility to use chrome devtools and mobile device emulator during test?
Thanks for help
For Puppeteer use chrome option in config with defaultViewport value.
https://codecept.io/helpers/Puppeteer/#configuration https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#puppeteerlaunchoptions
"Puppeteer": {
"url": "https://rambler.ru",
"browser": "chrome",
"chrome": {
"defaultViewport": {
"width": 640,
"height": 360,
"deviceScaleFactor": 1,
"isMobile": true,
"hasTouch": true,
"isLandscape": false
Or use page.emulate()
before each test
UPD: add page.emulate example
For page.emulate
In custom helper, create own function, which will work with page for example:
async emulateDevice(options) {
const currentPage = this.helpers['Puppeteer'].page;
await currentPage.emulate(options);
Where option is object with viewport and userAgent: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#pageemulateoptions https://codecept.io/helpers/Puppeteer/#access-from-helpers
Then in test: Create options:
const myCustomViewPort = {
viewport: {
width: 640,
height: 360,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
isMobile: true,
hasTouch: true,
isLandscape: false
userAgent: ""
And you can call it in your code:
Before(async (I) => {
await I.emulateDevice(myCustomViewPort);