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Fixed vs. variable frame rates in games: what is best, and when?

After working for a while developing games, I've been exposed to both variable frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed since the last tick and update actor movement accordingly) and fixed frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed and choose either to tick a fixed amount of time or sleep until the next window comes).

Which method works best for specific situations? Please consider:

  • Catering to different system specifications;
  • Ease of development/maintenance;
  • Ease of porting;
  • Final performance.


  • It seems that most 3D developers prefer variable FPS: the Quake, Doom and Unreal engines both scale up and down based on system performance.

    • At the very least you have to compensate for too fast frame rates (unlike 80's games running in the 90's, way too fast)
    • Your main loop should be parameterized by the timestep anyhow, and as long as it's not too long, a decent integrator like RK4 should handle the physics smoothly Some types of animation (keyframed sprites) could be a pain to parameterize. Network code will need to be smart as well, to avoid players with faster machines from shooting too many bullets for example, but this kind of throttling will need to be done for latency compensation anyhow (the animation parameterization would help hide network lag too)
    • The timing code will need to be modified for each platform, but it's a small localized change (though some systems make extremely accurate timing difficult, Windows, Mac, Linux seem ok)
    • Variable frame rates allow for maximum performance. Fixed frame rates allow for consistent performance but will never reach max on all systems (that's seems to be a show stopper for any serious game)

    If you are writing a networked 3D game where performance matters I'd have to say, bite the bullet and implement variable frame rates.

    If it's a 2D puzzle game you probably can get away with a fixed frame rate, maybe slightly parameterized for super slow computers and next years models.