I have a URI column coming in a log. I have to parse it and remove the certain parts from it and store it in a table. For Example if I have /v7/cp/members/~PERF1SP826T90869AN/options
, then I have to store it as /v7/cp/members/*/options
. Can I do that using REGEXP_REPLACE?
Also I would like to see if I could store that part that I removed from the URI as another column?
For Example from /v7/cp/members/~PERF1SP826T90869AN/options
, I should store /v7/cp/members/*/options
as a column and PERF1SP826T90869AN
in a separate column.
If you are using Oracle, here's a method:
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
select '/v7/cp/members/~PERF1SP826T90869AN/options' from dual
select regexp_replace(str, '(.*?)(/|$)', '*/', 1, 5) as replaced,
regexp_substr(str, '(.*?)(/|$)', 1, 5, NULL, 1) as fifth_element
from tbl;
------------------------ -------------------
/v7/cp/members/*/options ~PERF1SP826T90869AN