I am trying to make a program that searches for a text on a web-page, then places the mouse cursor on the highlighted text after it has been found. Is this possible using pyautogui? If so, how. If not, are there any other alternatives to do this?
Example code below:
import webbrowser
import pyautogui
var = 'Filtered Questions'
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'f')
#code to place mouse cursor to the occurrence of var
I would prefer to not use the pyautogui.moveTo() or pyautogui.moveRel() because the text I am searching for on the website is not static. The position of the searched text varies when the web page loads. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I stumbled upon this question while researching the topic. Basically the answer is no. " major points:
1) Pyautogui has the option of searching using images. Using this you could for example screenshot all the text you want to find and save as individual text files then use that to search for it dynamically and move the mouse there/click/do whatever you need to. However, as explained in the docs, it takes 1-2 seconds for each search which is rather unpractical.
2) In some cases, but not always, using ctrl+f on a website and searching for the text will scroll so that the result is in the middle (vertical) of the page. However that relies on some heavy implications about where the text to search is. If it's at the top of the page you obviously won't be able to use that method, same as if it's at the bottom.
If you're trying to automate clicks and have links with distinguishable names, my advice would be to parse the source code and artificially clicking the link. Otherwise you're probably better off with a automation suite like blue prism.