I'm building a call center and I need a way for people to "get out of the queue" to leave a voicemail OR be redirected to an emergency contact. I want them to have that option every 2 minutes or so (This is a medical hotline).
The best I could think of is using a waitUrl
on top of the <Enqueue>
verb, which periodically offers the caller to press 1 for voicemail or 2 for an emergency.
If I just needed one or another I could simply use <Leave />
and have the verbs after the <Enqueue>
redirect somewhere or capture a recording.
Unfortunately since I <Gather>
(digits 1 or 2) during the waitUrl
I need the <Leave />
verb to take me to a specific URL/Action based on the digits - which is impossible.
Any creative solutions to this?
Thank you
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Rather than using <Leave>
when you get the result of the <Gather>
you could use the REST API to redirect the call.
Does that help?