Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
2 XYZ Andy Div2 Address2
3 NNN Spencer Div1 Address3
4 YYY Krish Div8 Address4
5 ABC Sima Div1 Address5
I have a span table like the one in the above example, and I'm trying to get the count of cells matching text Div1
in the 4th column (Col4
). I tried the below code and got an error (invalid xpath locator):
${RecordCount}= Get Matching Xpath Count //td[4][matches(text(),'Div1')]
The issue is because of the matches()
function - it is present in XPath 2.0, while all the browsers support only v1.0; thus the error the locator is invalid.
Just change it to contains()
and it'll work for you: