When using ActiveStorage, how do you create a scope for when files are attached.
For example:
class Check < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one_attached :image
I want something like Check.has_attached_image
to return only records where there is an existing attached image.
I know that ActiveStorage
provides a with_attached_image
scope. But that doesn't seem to be working:
irb(main):009:0> Check.with_attached_image.to_sql
=> "SELECT \"checks\".* FROM \"checks\""
Main purpose of the scope with_attached_image
is to avoid N+1 queries (to include the attached blobs in your query).
To return only records where there is an existing attached image, you can create a scope in the Check
model like this:
scope :has_attached_image, -> { joins(image_attachment: :blob) }
Update from comments:
scope :has_attached_image, -> { joins(:image_attachment) }