I am using QT 5.7 for a program where I have to convert a QPixmap to base64 QString format. I have tried to first convert the QPixmap to cv::Mat and then added my existing conversion flow.
Qpixmap pix;
cv::Mat pixData(pix.rows(),pix.cols(),CV_8UC3,pix.scanline());
std::vector<uchar> IMbuffer;
cv::imencode(".png", pixData, IMbuffer);
QByteArray byteArray = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)IMbuffer.data(), IMbuffer.size());
QString base64Image(byteArray.toBase64());
But it returns error:
error: 'class QPixmap' has no member named 'rows'
cv::Mat pixData(pix.rows(),pix.cols(),CV_8UC3,pix.scanline());
So it is clear that such conversion from QPixmap to cv::Mat is incompatible. So is there any easy way to convert QPixmap to base64 QString?
Try this;
QBuffer buffer;
pix.save(&buffer, "PNG");
auto const encoded = buffer.data().toBase64();