I'm trying to create an own ecosystem and have already written about 100 lines of code. But I'm currently getting an annoying error message [Title] I cannot get rid of unless I delete the line with the «Tick» command.
That's how the Interface looks like at the moment
That's how the Interface looked like after the latest successful simulation
That's the defective Code:
turtles-own [saturation age gender]
breed [sheep a-sheep]
sheep-own [love-cooldown-sheep-f love-cooldown-sheep-m age%-sheep]
globals [tick-stopper]
patches-own [Next-to]
to setup
set tick-stopper 0
to setup-patches
ask patches [ set pcolor green ]
to setup-sheep
create-sheep number_of_sheep [set saturation max-saturation-sheep set gender random 2 set shape "sheep" set age 0]
if setup-sheep-random-age? [
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [set age random life-exp.-sheep]
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
if gender = 0 [
set color 118
if gender = 1 [
set color 98
to go
if tick-stopper >= stop-at-tick and stop-at-tick? [
set tick-stopper 0
set tick-stopper tick-stopper + 1
to move-sheep
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [
right random 60
left random 60
forward 1
set saturation saturation - 1
set age age + (((random life-exp.-sheep) + 1) / ((life-exp.-sheep + 1)/ 2))
if gender = 0 and love-cooldown-sheep-f > 0 [
set love-cooldown-sheep-f love-cooldown-sheep-f - 1
set saturation (saturation - (saturation-loss-til-birth-sheep / contribution-period-sheep))
if gender = 1 [
if love-cooldown-sheep-m > 0 [
set love-cooldown-sheep-m love-cooldown-sheep-m - 1
to sheep-eat-grass
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [
if pcolor = green and saturation < max-saturation-sheep [
set pcolor brown
set saturation saturation + saturation-from-grass
ifelse show-saturation?
[ set label saturation ]
[ set label "" ]
to make-love-sheep
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [
if gender = 0 and love-cooldown-sheep-f = 1 [hatch 1 [set saturation birth-saturation-sheep set gender random 2 set age 0
if gender = 0 [set color 118]
if gender = 1 [set color 98]
if gender = 1 and love-cooldown-sheep-m = 0 and saturation > saturation-for-love-sheep and 1 = count turtles with [shape = "sheep" and gender = 0 and love-cooldown-sheep-f = 0 and saturation > saturation-for-birth-sheep] in-radius 1 [
set saturation saturation - saturation-loss-at-love-sheep
set love-cooldown-sheep-m cooldown-for-love-sheep
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] in-radius 1 [
if gender = 0 and saturation > saturation-for-birth-sheep and love-cooldown-sheep-f = 0 [set love-cooldown-sheep-f contribution-period-sheep]
to check-death-sheep
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"] [
set age%-sheep (100 * (age / life-exp.-sheep))
if saturation <= 0 [die]
if age%-sheep < 22.5039287 [
if (10 ^(0.00984 *(age%-sheep ^ 2) - 0.25918 * age%-sheep + 2.922))/ life-exp.-sheep > random 10000 [die]
if age%-sheep > 156.24733 [
if 10000 / (life-exp.-sheep / 100) > random 10000 [die]
if age%-sheep > 22.5039287 and age%-sheep < 156.24733 [
if (10 ^(1.899801588 -(((16 / 75 * (age%-sheep ^ 3)) - (50 * (age%-sheep ^ 2))) / 131250)))/ life-exp.-sheep > (random 10000) [die]
to regrow-grass
ask patches with [pcolor = brown] [
set next-to count neighbors4 with [pcolor = green]
if (random 1000000 / 10000) <= (grass-growth% * count neighbors4 with [pcolor = green]) [set pcolor green]
Thanks for your help <3 This is my first project with NetLogo 6.0.4 and it isn't planned to start any other projects after this one.
You have a bracketing problem in your move-sheep procedure. You have a structure like this:
to move-sheep
ask turtles with [shape = "sheep"]
[ right random 60
if gender = 0 and love-cooldown-sheep-f > 0
if gender = 1
[ if love-cooldown-sheep-m > 0
[ set love-cooldown-sheep-m love-cooldown-sheep-m - 1
So you accidentally closed the ask turtles
before dealing with the if gender = 1
. As soon as you have if gender = 1
then it switches to turtle context.