I'm simply attempting to setup a budget alert buy am getting the error Invalid SNS topic ARN when attempting to specify an SNS ARN for the alert.
I followed the steps below:
What's up? I know it's the correct ARN because I copied it directly from the console. Also, as far as I understand, Budgets and their alerts aren't tied the a specific region, although SNS Topics are (the topic is in us-east-2 N. Virginia).
Please let me know if you need more specifics.
Make sure you have allowed budget.amazonaws.com to be able to publish messages to this SNS topic in the SNS topic's resource based policy.
Add the following statement to the policy
"Sid": "ExampleSid123456789012",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "budgets.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "SNS:Publish",
"Resource": "your topic ARN"
Hope it works!