Here's my problem:
add_filter( 'body_class', 'wpml_body_class');
function wpml_body_class( $class ) {
global $sitepress, $post;
if( $sitepress->get_default_language() != ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) {
$original_id = icl_object_id( $post->ID, get_post_type(), true, $sitepress->get_default_language() );
$class[] = strtolower(get_the_title( $original_id ));
return $class;
This code works fine. Essentially, I use $sitepress as a global to get my default language and then I extract the ID to match it with get_the_title, so, at the end of the day, I added the title as a class name to the body, so I can easily replicate the style of the original page without adding a line on my CSS stylesheet file on the translated page, in this case in French.
So far so good, except for a caveat:
Since this is the title, if I have a title like Our Team, I have to add a dash to the style, and it is going to change base on how many words I have. If I have to use the URL instead, the process to extract it with WordPress is more complex, so I was wondering if it is possible to add a regular expression to add a dash if I have any space. Or if everyone else knows how to extract the URL instead of get_the_title I couldn't be more grateful.
what you need is sanitize_title_with_dashes()
for your purpose :) which is provided by WP . Reference