I am very new to Angular and I have the following doubt about this piece of code.
In a view I have this code:
<li *ngFor="let hero of heroes$ | async" >
<a routerLink="/detail/{{hero.id}}">
iterating on heroes$. This is not an array but it is an Observable because it is working on this property of the related component:
heroes$: Observable<Hero[]>;
This is not completly clear to me.
Following my interpretation (please confirm or refute).
The *ngFor can't directly iterate on the heroes$ because it is an Observable.
This Observable emit an array of Hero but this is an asyncronous behavior.
The async pipe is something thath subscribe this Observable and when it is ready (when emit the array) the *ngFor directive can iterate on this array.
In practice in this way I can do this operation directly into the view instead to do it in the component subscribing the Observable.
If you write it this way then it is more clear:
(heroes$ | async) as heroList