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How to correctly make multiple MySQL calls in a single request with Node.js, Express.js, MySQL2, and Promises

Looking at the correct/best/better way to use AWAIT with MySQL2 in a Node.js/Express.js app when I need to run multiple queries in a single request.

Early on in my app I create a Promise Pool from my Database config

const promisePool = db.promise();

Then, on a POST request I accept 2 values, both of which I need to verify are valid, and then take the returned ID's and INSERT them in to another table.

Below is was my first attempt but I am missing out on the JS's concurrently goodness. (I've overly simplified all the calls/SQL for demonstration purposes),'/addUserToDepartment', async (req, res) => {
    // Get the POST variables
    let email = '';
    let departmentname = 'sales';
    let insertParams = [];

    // Need to check if Department ID is even valid
    const [departments] = await promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS deptid", [departmentname] );

    // Need to check if Email address is valid
    const [user] = await promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS userid", [email] );

    // This would normall be an INSERT or UPDATE statement
    if(departments.length && user.length){
        const [rows] = await promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS passedDeptId,? AS passedUserid", [departments[0].deptid, user[0].userid] );

    res.send( rows )

Here is my second stab at it, now wrapping the promises up.'/addUserToDepartment', async (req, res) => {
    // Get the POST variables
    let email = '';
    let departmentname = 'sales';
    let insertParams = [];

    // Need to check if Department ID is even valid
    let [[departments],[user]] =
    await Promise.all([
        promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS deptid", [departmentname] ),
        promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS userid", [email] )

    // This would normall be an INSERT or UPDATE statement
    if(departments.length && user.length){
        let [rows] = await promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS passedDeptId,? AS passedUserid", [departments[0].deptid, user[0].userid] );

    res.send( rows )

The IF at the end still doesn't 'feel' right, but I need to know that the first two queries are valid otherwise I'll send the user to an error page.

What would be a better way to achieve the above result without forfeiting readability too much?


  • Here is what I went with in the end. I added catches, I also did my last query as a part of the Promise.all() chain.

      app.get('/test2', async (req, res) => {
        // Get the POST variables
        let email = '';
        let departmentname = 'sales';
        let insertParams = [];
        let rtn = {
          status : '',
          errors : [],
          values : []
        // Need to check if Department ID is even valid
        let arrayOfPromises = [
          promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS did", [departmentname] ),
          promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS uid", [email] )
        await Promise.all(arrayOfPromises)
        .then( ([d,u] ) => {
          // Get the  values back from the queries
          let did = d[0][0].did;
          let uid = u[0][0].uid;
          let arrayOfValues = [did,uid];
          // Check the values
          if(did == 'sales'){
            rtn.values.push( did );
          } else{
            rtn.errors.push( `${did} is not a valid department`);
          if(uid == ''){
            rtn.values.push( uid );
          } else{
            rtn.errors.push( `${did} is not a valid department`);
          if( rtn.errors.length === 0){
            return arrayOfValues;
          } else{
            return Promise.reject();
        .then( async ( val ) => {
          // By this point everything is ok
          let [rows] = await promisePool.query( "SELECT ? AS passedDeptId,? AS passedUserid", val );
          res.send( rtn )
        .catch((err) => {
          rtn.status = 'APPLICATION ERROR';
          rtn.errors.push( err.message);
          res.send( rtn )