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How to get public download link within a firebase storage trigger function: "onFinalize"?

I am writing a firebase cloud function that records the download link of a recentally uploaded file to real-time database:

exports.recordImage = => {


"object" gives me access to two variables "selfLink" and "mediaLink" but both of them when entered in a browser they return the following:

Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to ... {filename}

So, they are not public links. How can I get the public download link within this trigger function?


  • You have to use the asynchronous getSignedUrl() method, see the doc of the Cloud Storage Node.js library:

    So the following code should do the trick:

    const defaultStorage =;
    exports.recordImage = => {    
      const bucket = defaultStorage.bucket();
      const file = bucket.file(;
      const options = {
        action: 'read',
        expires: '03-17-2025'
      // Get a signed URL for the file
      return file
        .then(results => {
          const url = results[0];
          console.log(`The signed url for ${filename} is ${url}.`);
          return true;

    Note that, in order to use the getSignedUrl() method, you need to initialize the Admin SDK with the credentials for a dedicated service account, see this SO Question & Answer firebase function get download url after successfully save image to firebase cloud storage.