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Run a hello word project from android studio on a raspberry pi

I am new to IoT technology and I am trying to run a hello word project from android studio to a raspberry pi.

I followed the steps from this tutorial: Hello World com Raspberry Pi 3 usando Android Things. But I am stuck at the step in which I have to connect the raspberry pi with adb.

The connection failed all the time. I connected the raspberry pi with an USB cable to my laptop and with an Ethernet cable for the wired network.

Did anyone had the same problem?

I put here an image with the errors



  • First of all there is an official documentation how to start with the Raspberry PI

    I guess that you haven't set up your raspberry properly. The key points there are:

    • flash the SD-card using utility
    • setup wifi using utility The utility could be found here

    After that you are going to be able to connect over wifi