I'm trying to create a load balancer to sit in front of my two web machines although I'm confused by this screen (see attached). I'm not sure what to enter into the "Public IP address" field? If it's the IP then where do I get the value from?
Many thanks
If you create a public type of load balancer, you need create a new public IP address or use existing public IP address so that you can access the backend virtual machines via the public facing IP address as the frontend configuration. Here you just need to name a public IP such as Load balancer-pip and enter into the "Public IP address" field.
Besides, if you want to add the two individual machines (not in an availability set or a scale set) as the backend pool, you need to create a Standard SKU of load balancer since Standard LB is fully integrated with a virtual network, you can put any virtual machine (with standard SKU public ip or without public IP)in a single virtual network as the backend pool endpoint, while the basic load balancer only support a single virtual machine or Virtual machines in a single availability set or virtual machine scale set.
If the two web machines are in an existing availability set or a scale set, you can select the Basic SKU load balancer.
For more information, you can see Azure Load balancer.