I'm using Application Insights for Console App (.NET Core 2.1).
I need to gather more information about dependencies(requests/responses) than ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector
So I've tried the approach described in this blog. And it works for requests.
But it does not work for responses. Because in the code above Activity.Current
is null
public virtual void OnHttpRequestOutStop(System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage request, System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response, TaskStatus requestTaskStatus)
While in the similar code for HttpRequestOut.Start
it has proper value:
public virtual void OnHttpRequestOutStart(System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage request)
Why in System.Net.Http.HttpRequestOut.Stop
event the Activity.Current
is null
How can I access the same activity in Start and Stop events?
I've found some info about the issue here.
This comment really helped.
The most complicated scenario is when you want to access response and enrich telemetry based on it. you can still use diagnostic source Stop event, however, this becomes hacky because AppInsights listens to the same even and your listener needs to receive the Stop event before AppInsights.
So I just initialized my 'enrichment' observer class before the telemetry client. And Activity.Current
is no longer null
in OnHttpRequestOutStop