I'm trying to implement a view that has both a longClickListener and a gesture dectector. Basically, I need a button to show a view when the user long clicks on the first view, and then I want to dectect a fling motion up. I would like to make it so that the user does not have to lift their finger at all, and hit both the longclick, and the fling motion.
Here is my code for the longClickListener:
flipCard.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
answerRight.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(view.getContext(), R.anim.grow_from_middle));
answerWrong.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(view.getContext(), R.anim.grow_from_middle));
return false;
Here is the code for my gesture dector:
gestureDetectorScore = new GestureDetector(new ScoreGestureDetector());
gestureListenerScore = new View.OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
if (gestureDetectorScore.onTouchEvent(event)) {
return true;
return false;
private class ScoreGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener {
private static final int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = 5;
private static final int SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY = 2;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
try {
//if (Math.abs(e1.getX() - e2.getX()) > SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH)
//return false;
// right to left swipe
//if(e1.getY() - e2.getY() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY) {
if(e1.getY() - e2.getY() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE){
Toast.makeText(AndroidOrientationSensor.this, "Up Swipe", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//else if (e2.getY() - e1.getY() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY) {
else if (e2.getY() - e1.getY() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE){
Toast.makeText(AndroidOrientationSensor.this, "Down Swipe", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (Exception e) {
// nothing
return false;
public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e1){
Toast.makeText(AndroidOrientationSensor.this, "Up Swipe", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
Finally, I am setting the gesture dectector to the the "flipCard" view like this:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I ended up doing to solve this problem is placing a gestureDectector on the view and overriding the onDown method. This allowed me to simulate a click event. I was unable to get both a long click and a swipe event, but for my purposes the click event triggers during the swipe which seems to work well enough. Thanks to GauntFace for the inspiration.