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Storm Pacemaker with upgraded KafkaSpout

I had a question regarding the usage of Pacemaker. We have a currently running Storm cluster on 1.0.2 and are in the process of migrating it to 1.2.2. We also use KafkaSpout to consume data from the KAfka topics. Now, since this release in for Kafka 0.10 +, most of the load from ZK would be taken off since the offsets won't be stored in ZK.

Considering this, does it make sense for us to also start looking at Pacemaker to reduce load further on ZK?

Our cluster has 70+ supervisor and around 70 workers with a few unused slots. Also, we have around 9100+ executors/tasks running.

Another question I have is regarding the heartbeats and who all send it to whom? From what I have read, workers and supervisors send their heartbeats to ZK, which is what Pacemaker alleviates. How about the tasks? Do they also send heartbeats? If yes, then is it to ZK or where else? There's this config called task.heartbeat.frequency.secs which has led me to some more confusion.

The reason I ask this is that if the task level heartbeats aren't being sent to ZK, then its pretty evident that Pacemaker won't be needed. This is because with no offsets being committed to ZK, the load would be reduced dramatically. Is my assesment correct or would Pacemaker be still a feasible option? Any leads would be appreciated.


    1. Pacemaker is an optional Storm daemon designed to process heartbeats from workers, which is implemented as a in-memory storage. You could use it if ZK become a bottleneck because the storm cluster scaled up

    2. supervisor report heartbeat to nimbusthat it is alive, used for failure tolerance, and the frequency is set via supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs, stored in ZK.

      And worker should heartbeat to the supervisor, the frequency is set via worker.heartbeat.frequency.secs. These heartbeats are stored in local file system.

    3. task.heartbeat.frequency.secs: How often a task(executor) should heartbeat its status to the master(Nimbus), it never take effect in storm, and has been deprecated for Storm v2.0 RPC heartbeat reporting

      This heartbeat stats what executors are assigned to which worker, stored in ZK.