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Get connected wifi Router's manufacturer name

I am working on application where i need to get mobiles wifi Router's manufacturer name(EX:: Kasda Network Inc or Huawei technologies co. ltd ).Here an app which shows Vendor name like Below. How can i get exact information about vendor like below enter image description here


  • Question contains two parts.

    1:How to get Mac Address of connected wifi

    2:On base of that Mac address get manufacturer name

    1:getting Mac address

    func getConnectedWifiMacAdrees()-> [String:String]{
            var informationDictionary = [String:String]()
            let informationArray:NSArray? = CNCopySupportedInterfaces()
            if let information = informationArray {
                let dict:NSDictionary? = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(information[0] as! CFString)
                if let temp = dict {
                    informationDictionary["BSSID"] = String(temp["BSSID"]as!String)
                    return informationDictionary
            return informationDictionary

    NOTE::import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork

    2:get to know about which mac address belongs from which manufacturer .Download latest manufacturer data from IEEE portal here or here