I'm evaluating django-allauth for my api. This api must support user signup via json over http as it's powering a phone app.
Reviewing the example demonstrates usage with django templates, i.e. html pages via traditional request-response cycle in a browser.
Is it possible to use django-allauth views to power an app signup on a json api? If not how would you solve this in django? (I've been avoiding django rest framework on this project btw)
would allauth provide a cookie or a jwt the client must put in the Authorization
update: python-social-auth also looks popular
I ended up using
also https://github.com/Tivix/django-rest-auth promises fb login plus the reset password flows for an app.
For a mobile+api blogpost read https://medium.com/@gabriel_gamil/react-native-expo-django-facebook-authentication-sign-in-83625c49da7 (I was using react native and this was a helpful article)