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Why does my timer in swift keep speeding up?

I am creating a trivia app in swift and I have a timer that counts down each question. However as the user progresses with each question the timer speeds up. Can someone help me fix this?

My runGameTimer function:

func runGameTimer()
    gameTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(RockTriviaViewController.updateGameTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)


My updateGameTimer function:

@objc func updateGameTimer()
    gameInt -= 1
    timerLabel.text = String(gameInt)
    if (gameInt == 0)
        if (currentQuestion != rockQuestions[questionSet].count)
            performSegue(withIdentifier: "showRockScore", sender: self)

Where I call my code:

func newQuestion()
    gameInt = 11
    rockQuestion.text = rockQuestions[questionSet][currentQuestion]
    rightAnswerPlacement = arc4random_uniform(3)+1
    var Button: UIButton = UIButton()
    var x = 1

    for i in 1...3
        Button = view.viewWithTag(i) as! UIButton
        if(i == Int(rightAnswerPlacement))
            Button.setTitle(rockAnswers[questionSet][currentQuestion][0], for: .normal)
            Button.setTitle(rockAnswers[questionSet][currentQuestion][x], for: .normal)
            x = 2

    currentQuestion += 1


  • You're calling runGameTimer() in every call to newQuestion(). If a timer was already running then you'll add a new timer each time, and they will all call your selector. So if you have 3 timers running, your selector will be called 3x as often. That's not what you want.

    Change your timer variable to be weak:

    weak var gameTimer: Timer?

    And then in runGameTimer invalidate the timer before creating a new one, using optional chaining:

    func runGameTimer() {
        gameTimer?.invalidate() //This will do nothing if gameTimer is nil.
                                //it will also cause the gameTimer to be nil since it's weak.
        gameTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(RockTriviaViewController.updateGameTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

    By making the game timer weak it will get set to nil as soon as it's invalidated. (When you schedule a timer the system retains it while it is running so it stays valid as long as it continues to run.)

    By using optional chaining to reference the timer:


    The code doesn't do anything if gameTimer is nil.