this is the code for the base class:
public abstract class baseClass
public string Name { get; set; }
then there are two derived classes
public derived1: baseClass
public int derivedMemberVariable { get; set; }
public derived2: baseClass
public string derivedMemberVariableAlternative { get; set; }
I then created a list of the base class and add both derived types to it:
List<baseClass> baseList = new List<baseClass>();
derived1 der1 = new derived1{
Name = "Derived1 Name",
derivedMemberVariable = 10
derived2 der2 = new derived2{
Name = "Derived2 Name",
derivedMemberVariable = "STRING"
foreach (b in baseList){
b.derivedMemberVariable //this is what fails
how can I access this derived member variable from the list created with the base class??
I have to use the code the way it is because it is for a school project so I cant modify the way the classes work but I think I can modify the list? but the list needs to contain both of the derived classes.
am I going to be able to accomplish this or is there a different approach id have to take?
ok, so for some reason as soon as I tried to cast this time it worked! I feel dumb :/
thanks to AntiTcb for pointing it out.
what I ended up doing was:
foreach (b in baseList){
if(b.GetType() == der1.GetType()){
var q = b as derived1;
q.derivedMemberVariable; // now works
if(b.GetType() == der2.GetType()){
var q = b as derived2;
q.derivedMemberVariableAlternative; // now works
Use pattern matching:
foreach (b in baseList){
if(b is DerivedType d)
d.derivedMemberVariable //this is what fails