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softlayer-client: unable to update VPN for User_Customer via REST API

I am experimenting with the softlayer-client api wrapper in my Node Express application. My goal is to update the VPN password of a User_Customer by calling the updateVpnPassword method on a specific user.

I can construct a call to achieve a VPN password update using request, but I'm not sure it's the best way to achieve the desired result.

Can the softlayer-client module be used to make an similar call to this:

function updateVpnPassword(req, res, next) {

    // Construct URL to update VPN
    myURL = 'https://' + <userIDAdmin> + ':' + <apiKeyAdmin> + '' + <softLayerID> + '/updateVpnPassword/' + <newPassword> + '.json';

    request.get({url: myURL}, function (error, response, body) {
        console.log('error:', error); 
        console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode);
        console.log('body:', body); 


My initial attempts have been to try variations on this:

function updateVpnPassword(req, res, next) {

    // Assuming var client = new SoftLayer();
        .auth(<userIDAdmin>, <apiKeyAdmin>)
        .path('User_Customer', <softLayerID>,'updateVpnPassword')

            if (err) {
                next(err); // Pass errors to Express.
            else {  
                // update successful

But the console log gives an error response like { message: { error: 'Internal Error', code: 'SoftLayer_Exception_Public' } }.

I expect a TRUE or FALSE response, to indicate the whether the update is successful.

A similar python client can be found here but I require an implementation in JS.


  • I'm not familiar with nodejs but I installed the package softlayer-node and run your second code and it worked.

    I also created the following script and I got TRUE

    var username = 'set me';
    var apikey = 'set me';
    var userId = 1111111;
    var SoftLayer = require('softlayer-node');
    var client = new SoftLayer();
      .auth(username, apikey)
      .path('User_Custome', userId, 'updateVpnPassword')
      .then(function(result) {
      }, function(error) {

    node command:

    $ node updateVpnPassword.js

    Did you tried by sending that request using curl or any other REST client like postman?

    If you get the same error then I recommend you submit a ticket and provide information like the id of users you are trying to update the vpn password and the user with which you are sending the request.