The app I'm developing is a Flappy Bird clone. I'm using a surfaceView object in which I have a gameThread and inside of its run method I draw the various components of the game on the canvas.
Everything runs smoothly as long as I just draw Rects to represent the objects, but as soon as I added the first Drawables i noticed a little bit of a loss in smoothness. If I try to draw the background as a Drawable the game suffers very significant frame rate loss.
What I tried:
None of this had any tangible effect.
Somewhat relevant code:
public class CannonView extends SurfaceView
implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
private CannonThread cannonThread; // controls the game loop
private Drawable background;
// constructor
public CannonView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs); // call superclass constructor
background= ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.background, null);
public void newGame() {
background.setBounds(0,0, getScreenWidth(),getScreenHeight());
public void drawGameElements(Canvas canvas) {
public void stopGame() {
if (cannonThread != null)
cannonThread.setRunning(false); // tell thread to terminate
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (!dialogIsDisplayed) {
newGame(); // set up and start a new game
cannonThread = new CannonThread(holder); // create thread
cannonThread.setRunning(true); // start game running
cannonThread.start(); // start the game loop thread
private class CannonThread extends Thread {
private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder; // for manipulating canvas
private boolean threadIsRunning = true; // running by default
// initializes the surface holder
public CannonThread(SurfaceHolder holder) {
surfaceHolder = holder;
// changes running state
public void setRunning(boolean running) {
threadIsRunning = running;
// controls the game loop
public void run() {
Canvas canvas = null; // used for drawing
while (threadIsRunning) {
try {
// get Canvas for exclusive drawing from this thread
canvas = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
synchronized(surfaceHolder) {
finally {
if (canvas != null)
It seems apparent that the dominant cause of the low frame rate is background.draw()
. Switching to a Bitmap
improves this somewhat, probably since it cached the output of draw()
, and because it can be used with Canvas
functions that are guaranteed not to need scaling (e.g., drawBitmap( Bitmap, float, float, Paint))
You also found that switching to RGB_565 as an intermediate format improves performance quite a bit, presumably because it throws away the alpha. (Otherwise, I would've expected this to be somewhat slower, b/c the format has to be converted back to RGBA_8888 as it's blitted into the SurfaceView
It's also apparent that Android won't let you go over 60fps. This is almost certainly because lockCanvas()
takes part in a triple buffering scheme that throttles the drawing rate, to prevent you from submitting frames that could never be displayed (due to your device's fixed screen refresh rate of 60Hz).
This leaves the question of why you don't get a full 60fps, but something close to it. If drawGameElements()
takes the same amount of time to run each time, and it's less than 16ms, then lockCanvas()
should be throttling you, and no frames should ever get dropped (60fps continuously). It seems likely that there is a burble in the thread scheduler or something, and every so often, the CannonThread
does not execute quickly enough to provide the frame before the triple-buffering scheme needs to page-flip. In this event, the frame must be delayed until the next screen refresh. You might try increasing CannonThread's
thread priority, removing any extra processing in drawGameElements()
that doesn't absolutely need to happen on CannonThread
, or closing other apps running on your device.
As mentioned, OpenGL is the standard way of getting max sprite performance for games like these, because it is able to offload many operations to hardware. You may be approaching the performance limit of a drawBitmap()
-based game.